By Eugene S, Ceschini
Once Downloaded - Unzip the file and follow these Installation Instructions:
- Each removable zip drive must have an exact label number from
- The first time ZipDirs is used, if a message appears stating that the disk cannot
be found, (or if you do not see a yellow title) then make sure you enter the proper
drive letter in the drive dialog box and save it. Exit and retry again.
- To label the zip drives, press the following keys:
a. Press the Create a New Label button.
b. Enter a number from 1 to 27.
c. Press Execute.
d. Exit ZipDirs & Restart.
- Above each directory listing a text box is provided. If a listing title is desired, enter it in the
title box and the press the save button.
- To open a file folder, double click on the active list box (yellow) folder name (this
jumps to the Explorer with the selected file folder open, located in the task bar).
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